Paid for by Friends of Willaim Bateson, Treasurer Ann Woolum, 2605 Sweetwater, Finday, Ohio 45840.
Mea Culpa - My Learning Curve
On September 16th, The Courier reported on my campaign financial report. The Board of Elections (BOE) has questioned several anonymous donations that were left at two different Meet and Greets that I held at two restaurants. The anonymous donations totaled $1137. Gary Wilson and I have contacted a number of the people that were at these Meet and Greets. No one has acknowledged making these donations. The BOE is asking us to place an ad in the paper in hopes that someone would be willing to claim the donation. We will be doing that in the next day or two.
We are more than willing to comply with the BOE request and to follow the law which is in place to protect the public. I must confess as a rookie to the political world I reported what I got and when I received the donations. Gary and I are new to this and just trying to do the right thing.
What have we learned? Ohio law states that no candidate shall knowingly accept anonymous donations in support of their candidacy over $25 or receive more than $100.00 in cash from any known individual at one time. The candidate must make a diligent effort to identify any anonymous donor of cash. Should that effort fail, the candidate must note such in their campaign report.
In looking over past campaign reports filed by other elected officials, almost all candidates receive anonymous donations in varying amounts. Such donations are noted as “Cash left in envelope with no details.” or “Could not verify donor.” In some instances multiple donations of $100 will be listed on successive days.
We do appreciate the contributions of our supporters, and are making every effort to learn the rules related to running a campaign for public office and comply with them.
William Bateson, Candidate for County Commissioner
Gary Wilson, Campaign Treasurer